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Sunday, November 4, 2007

OK, I Am Like Furious!

So I'm super livid right now. Mims and Thad are moving. Apparently, someone saw my post about how I didn't even know they had kids and called CPS so now they are under investigation for neglect or something. Maybe endangerment too, I wasn't really listening because Gus was making some awesome bean and cheese tacos and I love bean and cheese tacos. Gus says I should have been poor since I like poor people food so much. I'm like, "Whatever!" I don't think I would have been a very good poor person because I am like super-picky, just ask anyone! And I'm pretty sure poor people can't be picky, but I don't know for sure. Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh yea, Mims and Thad and those kids moving away. I guess there's no extradition with Luxembourg, so that's where they're going. Like whatever! That is going to be hard to go visit them because I'm pretty sure that's in Europe and sometimes I'm too bored to go to Europe.
So like, I guess I'm looking for a new best friend. Like who'm I gonna get my toes did with? And shop obsessively with? Mims was always up for that and now I'm gonna be lonely because sometimes I don't want to hang out with Knute. I feel kind of icky right now. I mean, I guess I sort of feel super-icky. Like my chest hurts and I sort of feel like crying and I'm not even hungover! That's usually when I feel like crying. Or when I don't want to apologize to someone I usually just cry, but I don't think I've done anything this time, I just feel icky.
My bean and cheese tacos were good, though.

1 comment:

Big Hair said...

Sorry about the best friend law investigation and all. That always sucks. And Taco's are rich people food too. Look at how much money Brit-Brit spends at Taco Bell.
