meta: awesome cupcake celebutard international blog Austin Botox How To Be Awesome: Devastation

Saturday, February 25, 2006


First of all, I can't believe I'm even up this early. Second of all, I think I'm still drunk from last night and I am completely dying that I lost Smudge. Ok, here's what happened. I was going to a gallery opening last night on SoCo - I mean, I'm not really into art and all that, but everyone was going to be there, so why not? You don't really have to look at that crap on the wall, plus it's good publicity and that never hurts. Anyway, I had Smudge in my dog purse when I left the house, but when I got home she was gone. So of course, I sent Knute back to SoCo to find her, because I was totally making out with a certain famous trailer-park resident. Somebody told me he doesn't bathe and I can believe it. I had Katrinka throw out the sheets this morning because there is no way to get that smell out. Anyway, Katrinka probably kept them and will sell them on ebay or something. I need to get Knute on that and make sure she doesn't. Those eastern europeans just cannot be trusted. I just wish she spoke English. It is hard to mime instructions when you are as hung-over as I am right now. Like, how do you act out "ebay"?
Oh yeah, Smudge - I am devastated! So Knute went back down to SoCo at like 2:00 AM and he said that he called and walked around until like 4:30 but didn't find her. I bet he actually went down to the Warehouse District and went dancing. I don't know why he complains so much about working on weekends, my best friend, Kaysee made her PA work on Christmas. I gave Knute that morning off. I am very generous with him. I mean, I let him have all my leftovers and one time, I gave him the boxers that Wilbur left in my bathroom. What more does he want?
So anyway, if you see Smudge, call me! She's an all white teacup chihuapoo. I am devastated!

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