Dang you guys! My extensions look awesome and I'm totally happy to say that not only did Erica believe me, she thinks I did totally right by firing Knute. So there. You guys can quit sending me hate mail. Look, as far as I'm concerned, this was just the final camel that broke the whatever's back or whatever. I can't remember how that thing goes. Anyways, I mean, like if your boss woke you up in the middle of the night screaming about the stalker next door neighbor stealing her hair extensions and like HER HAIR WAS ALL GONE, why would you doubt her, for real? That's just stupid and I am all about smart, so he had to go. Of course, I can't find anything and I'm like amazed that I could even turn on my computer since he always did that for me. And when I got home the other night, Gus didn't know I like my waffle syrup warmed up in the microwaver. Knute used to do that and he'd use the tiny melon baller to make butter balls. (Wow, that might be dirtiest sounding non-dirty sentence I've ever written and I have written a lot of dirty-sounding sentences! For real!) Anyway, I don't care. I'm not asking Knute to come back no matter what. I mean, I heard he was talking to those people at Noveltown about a tell-all and I was like, "Those people are too busy pretending to be a magazine. Plus, I think they might be poor and Knute is going to want a LOT of money to tell all my stuff because I will sue the bejesus out of him." What is a bejesus? If you can tell me, please leave a comment or whatever. That bothers me. Daddy had a landscaper one time who used to say bejesus and seriously, the more I type it the weirder it looks so that's probably going to keep me up all night tonight.
I totally talked to Kitten today. She wants me to come to the beach house in September. I was all, "September? Nobody goes to the beach in September." And she goes, "September is the new June." I was like, "Whoa!" That blew my mind. Then I was super confused because when do you celebrate Christmas or Channuhanahkah? I wish I knew how to spell that. Anyway, I guess I'm going but I couldn't really get an idea about how to get there. Kitten let me talk to her assistant who was all, "Just go to such-and-such website and the whatever-whatever website and find a fare." I was like, "What? It's like you're speaking Japanese."
Speaking of Japanese, Rhett is in Japan and was buried for three days in Japanese rubble after the earthquake. Luckily, he had a bag of Fig Newtons and some Red Bull, so he was fine when the Japanese people pulled him out. Way to go Rhett!
Also, Bucky will be in town next week and I am so nervous. I've decided that without a PA, I can't get married. I mean, who would do all the legwork? So I'm going to have to break up with him and quit wearing the ring I bought for him to give me. I think it will break his heart, but I am all about smart decisions and I feel like this is right for me now. At least until I get a new PA.
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