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Friday, March 24, 2006

Moonbeam and Red Bull

Ok, so Moonbeam reappeared late yesterday afternoon and said she wanted to "bond" by spending some time with me. I was getting ready to go out with Lindsay - we were totally going to check out this new club called Warp downtown. Anyway, Knute was crimping my hair, which I guess is back because the 80s are the new 70s or the new 60s. Or something. It's all very confusing, but anyway, Knute says crimping is back, so he was crimping away. Ok, so Moonbeam is ringing the bell right as we are finishing up and Lindsay let her in because Lindsay was downstairs trying to make this drink we had at Snowpea last week. I think it was like a grasshopper, only with tequila or something, I actually don't remember all that much because I'd been partying in the bathroom with some guy named Guy. I am not kidding, isn't that the funniest thing you've ever heard? A guy named Guy. It's like hilarious.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, so Knute and I were finishing my retro-80s look with a giant bow in my hair and I guess Moonbeam started talking to Lindsay and L was telling her all about the diet we are on and going out and I have no idea how it happened, but Lindsay ended up inviting Moonbeam to go out clubbing with us. What? I was really pissed. Because Moonbeam is going to report directly to Mother and Daddy, so I can't have as much fun as normal. So Lindsay convinced her that she needed to have the whole Me Experience, so we dragged her upstairs, gave her some Red Bull and Grey Goose and a cat tranquilizer. Meanwhile, it turns out she actually does have a cute figure and she totally fit into my last year's Rodriguez graphic print wrap dress. Knute fired up the crimper again and took care of that mess on her head while L and I totally did her make-up. She was really cute, but she kept talking about vitamins and self-love, which I think sounds totally dirty. Anyway, she was hammered by the time we left the house and Knute drove is to Warp. I don't really remember a lot about it except that Moonbeam ( we renamed her Madison for last night because Moonbeam is too 60s. Or 70s.) was dancing on the bar and later she barfed in the men's room. Anyway, by the end of the evening, Madison was totally making out with some guy named Quentin who is a director or something I guess. He said he was only in town for another week or so working on a movie. Directors aren't as much fun as actors, but they can actually cast you, so you have to be nice to them and listen to their boring stories about "losing light" or whatever the hell they talk about, I usually just tune them out. Anyway, Madison was being very nice to him and in fact, they left together. I still haven't heard from her, so I'm thinking that Mother and Daddy won't get a report about last night. I just hope I get my dress back.

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